Our 3K program provides a nurturing environment for your child’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual development.
- The 3K class for 2 1/2 to 4 year old children is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays (two days per week), from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m
- Classes are held from September through May
Interested in enrolling?
- Contact Us to arrange a visit or if you have additional questions
- Click here for our KMP Registration Form
- Fill out the following forms:
A typical day includes the following activities:
Circle Time
- Welcome songs
- Sharing time
- Weather
- Calendar
- Sign language and Spanish
Small Motor Development Activities
- Puzzles
- Blocks
- Manipulative games
- Introduction to using scissors
- Pencil grip and beginning handwriting skills
Math Readiness
- Calendar
- Sorting
- Patterning
- Numeracy
- Number recognition
- Shapes
- Sequencing
- Finger plays
- Action rhymes
- Story-telling
- Big Books
- Letter recognition
- Name writing
Free Play and Centers
- Many opportunities for interaction, socialization, exploration, experimentation, and creativity
Art Project
- Various mediums: Painting, colored pencil, marker, crayon, watercolor, chalk
- Play dough
- Drawing
- Creating three dimensional art
- Wonderful musical experiences
- Instruments
- Marching band
- Rhythm sticks
- Singing
Large Motor Activities
- Exercising
- Dancing
- Playing on our indoor climber, balance beams, tunnels, and creative obstacle courses
- Supervised group play in the outdoor playground
- Exploring our nature trail
Snack Time
- Nutritious snack provided by parents
- Practice good manners